Welcome to our new website

Dear visitor,

Welcome to the new Teatro Pavana website. Unfortunately we have not been able to perform in the past period, but doing nothing lies not in our nature. That is why we took the opportunity to create a completely new website. We added some new headers. Now it’s possible to take a look behind the scenes. Under Atelier you can see how various acts came about. Curious about the ins and outs of Teatro Pavana when they are not performing? Then visit us Backstage.

Teatro Pavana cautiously dares to hope that the end of the crisis is near. Perhaps with the approaching summer, taking into account the then applicable covid-19 measures, some performing will become possible again. And who knows what’s possible in the fall. That is why we are focused on the future. We keep busy behind the scenes. Not only the new website is the result of this. We rehearse when possible. (in the open air) And…. we are working hard on a new act „Pappagalli“ (Parrots) so when all signs are green, we will be more than ready.