El baile flamenco acompaña la metamorfosis de los seres. Las antìlopes hembras, suadentes hechiceras, bailan alrededor del magico Ciervo. A ligar otra vez, mientras el público tambièn, participa en la estrategia de la seducción. De repente, las Antìlopes se paran, huelen a la atmósfera, atèntas a cualquier ruido. El macho dominante apunta a alguien en medio de la platea.

From a distance, the family antelope approaches proudly and elegant. Carefree, the antelope child frolics and dances between the adult animals. However these animals are alert to imminent danger always. If they detect trouble they point their ears simultaneously. Anxious the antelopes listen, their heads held high. With their large gleaming eyes they observe the surroundings. For a moment they stand motionless. After they make sure that everything is safe, the antelope family continues gracefully.